Finance 4 Business guided me through a minefield
During the economic downturn my family had secured expensive and complicated borrowing to complete an 11 one-bedroom new build development. In 2016 we found ourselves with the “wolves at our door”. We were given 90 days to repay £800,000 to the development lender from hell or face losing 3 lucrative assets.
It was then when a trusted family broker had advised me to speak with Finance 4 Business. It all really began with a telephone conversation and a genuine willingness to help. Finance 4 Business paved the path which eventually was the very reason my family and I avoided repossession and a loss from which we would never have recovered. What was a 90-day deadline now became a 14 month saga which Finance 4 Business negotiated on my behalf on a weekly basis.
Finance 4 Business worked closely and I mean closely by taking my desperate calls at least twice a day and exchanging up to 5 emails daily for 14 months…. Unbelievable as it may seem it actually took us 14 months to close this deal.
If nothing else, having a specialist at the end of a phone when the world seems to be crumbling around you with positivity and air of confidence is something I value most from my experience working with Finance 4 Business. To begin with it was about the “business” but now I realise it was about the “support” and the people you have around you at the most difficult times that will ultimately determine the outcome. The fact that Finance 4 Business never gave up on me and never faltered in communicating with everyone involved shows that there is no difficult situation as long as there is a genuine commitment to succeed, Finance 4 Business were determined to succeed and they did for me and my family…….
Finance 4 Business worked not only with me but directly with my existing lender, their lawyers, my lawyers, the lending bank and their lawyers for 14 months and on a daily basis. What this meant for me was that I had a captain of a capsizing ship in the form of Finance 4 Business who were riding the storm until we all reached our destination. And that is exactly how this deal felt, I could have gone down at any time if I were alone ………

All information and requirements were coordinated by Finance 4 Business and milestones were achieved regularly and most importantly the expensive existing lender was given confidence and information to avoid repossession. If I were to list the issues we faced on a daily basis then you would find that every single scenario from affordable housing restrictions on title deed, building inspection certificates, collateral warrantees, secondary charges and planning related issues are a few of the obstacles we overcame to complete this deal. Me and my family and all our extensive networks are in debt to the sincerity and efforts of Finance 4 Business and are now working on larger and less difficult projects together.
If I were to sum up my experience working with Finance 4 Business then I would say, when there was no hope and no one cared they rose to the challenge and guided me through this minefield until my family and I were safe.
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